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Searching The Apocrypha

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Query was: govern

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Apocrypha: The Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirach, or, Ecclesiasticus
    Matching lines:
    • judge will instruct his people; and the government of a prudent man
    • Who governeth the world with the palm of his hand, and all things
    • Father and Governor ofall my whole life, leave me not to their
    • 15 Neither was there a man born like unto Joseph, a governor
  • Title: Apocrypha: The First Book of Esdras
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    • And Helkias, Zacharias, and Syelus, the governors of the temple,
    • 49 The governors also of the people and of the priests did
    • 12 And by him they were delivered to Sanabassar the governor
    • And to all the governors and captains and lieutenants that were
    • Media, and the governors, and the captains, and the lieutenants,
    • neither king nor governor; and it maketh to speak all things by
    • captains and governors, that they should safely convey on their way
    • The number of them of the nation, and their governors, sons of
    • At the same time came unto them Sisinnes the governor of Syria and
    • The copy of the letters which Sisinnes, governor of Syria and
    • 27 And also he commanded that Sisinnes the governor of Syria
    • the Lord, and governor of Judea, and the elders of the Jews, to
    • that is, to Zorobabel the governor, for bullocks, and rams, and
    • HEN Sisinnes the governor of
    • of the Jews and governors of the temple.
    • king's stewards, and to the governors of Celosyria and Phenice;
  • Title: Apocrypha: The Second Book of Esdras
    Matching lines:
    • oppression; and it had the governance of the world more than all
    • 58 And because he governeth the same, and such things as
  • Title: Apocrypha: The Rest of the Chapters of the Book of Esther
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    • governors that are under him from India unto Ethiopia, in an
    • Princes and governors of an hundred and seven and twenty provinces
  • Title: Apocrypha: Judith
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    • and called all the governors and captains, and the officers of the
    • and the captains of Ammon, and all the governors of the sea
    • 20 Now therefore, my lord and governor, if there be any
    • presented him to the governors of the city:
    • the governors of the people of Moab, and the captains of the sea
    • governor, that they fainted for lack of water; for Judith had heard
    • 10 Then she sent her waiting woman, that had the government
    • now, O ye governors of the inhabitants of Bethulia: for your words
    • 10 Therefore, O lord and governor, reject not his word; but
  • Title: Apocrypha: The First Book of the Maccabees
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    • 16 And that they committed their government to one man every
    • 31 Upon this Jonathan took the governance upon him at that
    • Machmas, and began to govern the people; and he destroyed the
    • of the land of Judea, nor of the three governments which are added
    • governors be of themselves, and that they live after their own
    • 38 And concerning the three governments that are added to
    • 69 Then Demetrius made Apollonius the governor of Celosyria
    • free from tribute, as also the three governments, with the country
    • Judea, with the three governments of Apherema and Lydda and
    • the four governments, and to be one of the king's friends.
    • Upon this the Romans gave them letters unto the governors of every
    • priest, the governor and leader of the Jews.
    • what glory he thought to bring his nation, made him their governor
    • Simon should be their governor and high priest for ever, until
    • high priest, and captain and governor of the Jews and priests, and
  • Title: Apocrypha: The Second Book of the Maccabees
    Matching lines:
    • But one Simon of the tribe of Benjamin, who was made governor of
    • son of Thraseas, who then was governor of Celosyria and
    • being the governor of Celosyria and Phenice, did rage, and increase
    • down the governments which were according to the law, he brought up
    • the priesthood; and Sostratus left Crates, who was governor of the
    • 22 And he left governors to vex the nation: at Jerusalem,
    • unto Ptolemeus, the governor of Celosyria and Phenice, to yield
    • government of their forefathers:
    • 19 Antiochus, king and governor, to the good Jews his
    • the affairs of his realm, and appointed him chief governor of
    • 14 But when Gorgias was governor of the holds, he hired
    • the governors of the people together, and accused those men, that
    • hold, called Gazara, where Chereas was governor.
    • But of the governors of several places, Timotheus, and Apollonius
    • Nicanor the governor of Cyprus, would not suffer them to be quiet,
    • against Gorgias the governor of Idumea,
    • country, but because he thought to have been made governor.
    • governor from Ptolemais unto the Gerrhenians;
    • elephants, and making him, governor over Judea, he sent him
  • Title: Apocrypha: The History of Susanna
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    • Babylon from ancient judges, who seemed to govern the people.
  • Title: Apocrypha: The Wisdom of Solomon
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    • gods which govern the world.
    • But thy providence, O Father, governeth it: for thou hast made a
    • of the world governed by thy hand escaped in a weak vessel, and