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Searching Leonardo's Spiritual Stature at the Turning Point of Modern Times

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    Query was: feel

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
    Matching lines:
    • of the Dominicans in Milan with quite particular feelings. For,
    • following his painting ability, one has the feeling: Year by
    • feeling that with his most significant work, he had set himself
    • What remained was a feeling of the soul's connection with the
    • they continued to feel. Though this feeling had become weak,
    • become ready of themselves to feel drawn to spiritual science.
    • inner feelings and creative power. What he had brought with him
    • created a sculptural figure. What kind of feeling do we have in
    • own bodies, feeling themselves at one with the soul forces of
    • within the spirit of Nature, feeling himself inwardly connected
    • This feeling of union with the spirit that lives and weaves
    • within. He feels as though detached from it, from apprehending
    • actually follow Leonardo with rather bitter feelings in seeing
    • take hold of the entire feeling life of human beings and become
    • the development of the human spirit in feeling the tragedy of
    • regard to the evolution of humanity we must at all times feel

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