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Searching The Apocrypha

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Query was: force

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Apocrypha: The Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirach, or, Ecclesiasticus
    Matching lines:
    • in Hebrew, and translated into another tongue, have not the same force
    • 26 Be not ashamed to confess thy sins; and force not the
    • 21 And if thou hast been forced to eat, arise, go forth,
    • pour out their force, and appease the wrath of him that made
  • Title: Apocrypha: The First Book of Esdras
    Matching lines:
    • 24 O ye men, is not wine the strongest, that enforceth to do
  • Title: Apocrypha: The Second Book of Esdras
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    • shewed, and the good deeds shall be of force, and wicked deeds
    • his force.
  • Title: Apocrypha: Judith
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    • Throw down their strength in thy power, and bring down their force
    • power yet in Jerusalem, and his forces against the enemy, as he
  • Title: Apocrypha: The First Book of the Maccabees
    Matching lines:
    • 44 So they joined their forces, and smote sinful men in
    • forces of his realm, even a very strong army.
    • 34 Moreover he delivered unto him the half of his forces,
    • 37 So the king took the half of the forces that remained,
    • and that the forces did encamp themselves in their borders; (for they
    • While as yet the forces were dispersed from the camp.
    • king, and the violence of his forces, turned away from them.
    • fought against him, and took the city by force.
    • his forces had taken Antiochus and Lysias, to bring them unto
    • abide their force, he went again to the king, and said all the
    • 27 So Nicanor came to Jerusalem with a great force; and went
    • tower, and put forces in them, and provision of victuals.
    • forces, Simon and his company went out of the city, and burned up
    • gathered together forces, and provided much armour.
    • king's forces about thirty thousand men of the Jews, unto whom
    • pay shall be given, as belongeth to all the king's forces.
    • 48 Then gathered king Alexander great forces, and camped
    • sent away all his forces, every one to his own place, except
    • the heathen: wherefore all the forces of his fathers hated him.
    • help me; for all my forces are gone from me.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Apocrypha: The Second Book of the Maccabees
    Matching lines:
    • the ground, and all of them they forced to flee; but as for the
    • in a furious mind, he took the city by force of arms,
    • had gathered a great multitude of foreign forces, and horses out of
    • Asia not a few, came as though he would take Jewry by force of
    • taking hold of his coat drew him by force; and when he would have
  • Title: Apocrypha: The Wisdom of Solomon
    Matching lines:
    • fast, they shall be shaken with the wind, and through the force of
    • forced all his skill to make the resemblance of the best
    • force in the water, that quencheth all things: for the world
    • nor force of arms, but with a word subdued he him that punished,
    • signs by the force of thunders: for they suffered justly according