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The Bhagavad Gita Matches
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Query was: wise
Here are the matching lines in their respective documents.
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- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter II: Sankhya-Yog
Matching lines:
- Words lacking wisdom! for the wise in heart
- Which the wise know, and fear not. This that irks
- As the wise bear. The soul which is not moved,
- Be anywise diminished, stayed, or changed.
- Which could not otherwise befall? The birth
- As the wise tortoise draws its four feet safe
- On Me intent. That man alone is wise
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter III: Karma-Yog
Matching lines:
- Action thou should'st embrace. What the wise choose
- The unwise people take; what best men do
- My ordinance thus, the wise and willing hearts,
- The wise fall, caught in it; the unresting foe
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter IV: Jnana Yog
Matching lines:
- Is wisest 'mid his kind; he hath the truth!
- The wise call that man wise; and such an one,
- In good and evil fortunes; nowise bound
- Born of thy ignorance! Be bold and wise!
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter V: Karmasanyasayog
Matching lines:
- This Sankhya and this Yoga: wise men know
- Who hath it sees.] To him who wisely sees,
- The wise mind takes no pleasure, Kunti's Son!
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter VI: Atmasanyamayog
Matching lines:
- Above ascetics, higher than the wise,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter VII: Vijnanayog
Matching lines:
- The wisdom of the wise, the intellect
- That last is, the devout soul, wise, intent
- Yet hard the wise Mahatma is to find,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter VIII: Aksharaparabrahmayog
Matching lines:
- But, if he meditated otherwise
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter IX: Rajavidyarajaguhyayog
Matching lines:
- Other, and Higher, and Free; nowise attached!
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter X: Vibhuti Yog
Matching lines:
- He only knoweth only he is free of sin, and wise,
- The wise in spirit cleave to Me, into My Being brought;
- I am, Arjuna! Wisdom Supreme of what is wise,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XI: Viswarupadarsanam
Matching lines:
- With front, in wondrous wise
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XIII: Kshetrakshetrajnavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- Patience and honour, reverence for the wise.
- And what is otherwise is ignorance!
- And Wisdom's way, and Guide of all the wise,
- Those wise ones go the way which leads to Life!
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XIV: Gunatrayavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- In pleasant wise to flesh; and Passion binds
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVII: Sraddhatrayavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- Offered in rightful wise, when he who vows
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVIII: Mokshasanyasayog
Matching lines:
- Out of desire; and their wisest say
- Contrariwise of Truth. O Pritha's Son!
- This divinest, wisest, speech
- (Krishna speaketh in this wise!)
- Heareth wisely what it saith,
- Thus have I told, with heart a-thrill, this wise and wondrous thing