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The Bhagavad Gita Matches
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- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter I: Arjun-Vishad
Matching lines:
- Blew the great Conch; and, at the noise of it,
- Krishna, with knotted locks, blew his great conch
- Weapons unsheathing, bows drawn forth, the war
- Elders and friends! Shall I deal death on these
- Guilty, we shall grow guilty by their deaths;
- Of funeral-cakes and the wan death-water.[Note 1]
- Arjuna sank upon his chariot-seat,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter II: Sankhya-Yog
Matching lines:
- Whose death leaves living drear?
- Bringing thee heat and cold, sorrows and joys,
- With spirit deathless, endless, infinite,
- Birthless and deathless and changeless remaineth the spirit for ever;
- Death hath not touched it at all, dead though the house of it seems!
- The end of birth is death; the end of death
- Of living things comes unperceived; the death
- Strange and great for tongue to relate,
- For men of noble blood to bear than death!
- Profit or ruin, victory or defeat:
- To highest seats of bliss. When thy firm soul
- To wreck and death. Only with him, great Prince!
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter III: Karma-Yog
Matching lines:
- Than action, wherefore, then, great Kesava!
- The gods shall yield thee grace. Those meats ye crave
- Tithes in the altar-flame. But if one eats
- Who eat of food after their sacrifice
- All for themselves, eat sin and drink of sin.
- To help the rolling wheels of this great world,
- The fool, cheated by self, thinks, This I did
- And lower creatures of their kind; in vain
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter IV: Jnana Yog
Matching lines:
- This deathless Yoga, this deep union,
- And setting Virtue on her seat again.
- Created, the Reposeful; I that live
- Are Brahm, the fire is Brahm, the flesh it eats
- Draw in their breath to feed the flame of thought,
- And breathe it forth to waft the heart on high,
- Which Knowledge pays is better than great gifts
- This doubt that binds thy heart-beats! cleave the bond
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter V: Karmasanyasayog
Matching lines:
- He eats, or goes, or breathes; slumbers or talks,
- The Outcast gorging dog's meat, are all one.
- Whose outward breath and inward breath are drawn
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter VI: Atmasanyamayog
Matching lines:
- Pleasure and pain; heat, cold; glory and shame.
- In eating and in resting, and in sport;
- Desiring righteousness, cometh at death
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter VII: Vijnanayog
Matching lines:
- Of the informed, the greatness of the great.
- Whose mind is cheated by the show of things,
- All creatures live bewildered, save some few
- Refuge from birth[Note 14] and death, those have the Truth!
- And find and hold me in the hour of death.
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter VIII: Aksharaparabrahmayog
Matching lines:
- How good men find thee in the hour of death?
- Flame unto Me!) And, at the hour of death,
- At hour of death, in putting off the flesh,
- Drawing still breath beneath calm brows unbending,
- Roll back again from Death to Life's unrest;
- When all created things have passed away:
- Greater than gifts, better than prayer or fast,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter IX: Rajavidyarajaguhyayog
Matching lines:
- To grasp the greater wisdom, reach not Me,
- Creating all, sustaining all still dwells
- Yet these great makings, Prince! involve Me not
- Whence endless harvests spring! Sun's heat is mine;
- Death am I, and Immortal Life I am,
- Passage to Swarga; where the meats divine
- Of great gods feed them in high Indra's heaven.
- Come to the world of death and change once more.
- Eating or sacrificing, giving gifts,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter X: Vibhuti Yog
Matching lines:
- Not the great company of gods nor kingly Rishis know
- And birth and death, and fearfulness, and fearlessness, and shame,
- Yea! knowing Me the source of all, by Me all creatures wrought,
- Hearts fixed on Me; breaths breathed to Me; praising Me, each to each,
- The Great Purification! Thou art God
- Eternal, All-creating, Holy, First,
- Clear and complete, Thy great appearances,
- I am the Spirit seated deep in every creature's heart;
- From whose great milky udder-teats all hearts' desires are strook;
- And bitter Death which seizes all, and joyous sudden Birth,
- The flower-wreathed Spring; in dicer's-play the conquering
- The splendour of the splendid, and the greatness of the great,
- The great unbroken silence in learning's secret things;
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XI: Viswarupadarsanam
Matching lines:
- And whence their death, and what the majesties
- Breathing from His perfect Presence
- Breaths of every subtle essence
- The gods are in Thy glorious frame! the creatures
- And in Thy countenance shine all the features
- From Thy great eyes; Thy visage, beaming tender
- Maruts, and those great Twins
- Great Dhritarashtra's sons,
- Ground into dust and death! Like streams down-driven
- Those heroes great and brave
- So to their death still throng,
- One with another, great and small, alike!
- The creatures whom Thou mak'st,
- To death, with deadly, burning, lurid dread!
- By Me they fall not thee! the stroke of death is dealt them now,
- Strike, strong-armed Prince, at Drona! at Bhishma strike! deal death
- On Karna, Jyadratha; stay all their warlike breath!
- Thou Brahm, than Brahma greater!
- Thou Infinite Creator!
- Calm thoughts once more; my heart beats still again!
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XII: Bhaktiyog
Matching lines:
- Forth from life's ocean of distress and death,
- Takes heat and cold, pleasure and pain; abides
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XIII: Kshetrakshetrajnavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- In birth, death, age, disease, suffering, and sin;
- The Uncreated;; not Asat, not Sat,
- He maketh all to end and re-creates.
- Overpass Death!
- That Ultimate, High Spirit, Uncreate,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XIV: Gunatrayavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- Birth, Death, Sorrow, and Age; and drinketh deep
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XV: Purushottamapraptiyog
Matching lines:
- Which hath its boughs beneath, its roots above,
- The soil beneath, helping to hold it there,
- Of old Creation; for to Him come they
- With outward and with inward breath, to feed
- The body by all meats.[Note 31]
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVI: Daivasarasaupadwibhagayog
Matching lines:
- As it were true this lie which leads to death
- Is not our fortune famous, brave, and great?
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVII: Sraddhatrayavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- Great Krishna! Sattwan, Rajas, Tamas? Say!
- The Soothfast meat. And there be foods which bring
- Being too biting, heating, salt, and sharp,
- Savourless, filthy, which the foul will eat,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVIII: Mokshasanyasayog
Matching lines:
- Masters his beats of heart, his very breath
- By great Vyasa's learning writ, how Krishna's self made known
- Great is my gladness: when I muse that splendour, passing speech,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Notes
Matching lines:
- [Note 8]That is,joy and sorrow, success and failure, heat and cold, etc.
- [Note 34]Rakshasas and Yakshas are unembodied but capricious beings of great power, gifts, and beauty, same times also of benignity.
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Preface
Matching lines:
- the great Hindoo epic. It enjoys immense popularity and authority in
- Supreme Deity, wearing the disguise of a charioteer. A great battle is