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The Bhagavad Gita Matches
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- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter II: Sankhya-Yog
Matching lines:
- But for these fleeting frames which it informs
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter III: Karma-Yog
Matching lines:
- Free from desire, and thou shalt well perform
- With spirit unattached gladly perform,
- Since in performance of plain duty man
- To die performing duty is no ill;
- It is of wisdom, wearing countless forms,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter IV: Jnana Yog
Matching lines:
- On floating Nature-forms, the primal vast
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter VII: Vijnanayog
Matching lines:
- Of the informed, the greatness of the great.
- Who, quit of sins, holy in act, informed,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter VIII: Aksharaparabrahmayog
Matching lines:
- And, Manifested in divided forms,
- Hath known My form, which passeth mortal knowing;
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter IX: Rajavidyarajaguhyayog
Matching lines:
- The minds untaught mistake Me, veiled in form;
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter X: Vibhuti Yog
Matching lines:
- Under what form of Thine unnumbered forms
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XI: Viswarupadarsanam
Matching lines:
- The likeness of that glory of Thy Form
- My changeful hues, my countless forms. See! in this face of mine,
- Countless mystic forms enfolding
- In one Form: supremely standing
- In Thy Divine form dwell,
- O Holy, Marvellous Form! is nowhere found!
- Th' Adityas' shining forms,
- Yea! the Worlds, seeing Thee with form stupendous,
- Of being formed, and formless being the Framer;
- This unknown marvel of Thy Form! But fear
- The form I loved of old,
- Once more I am thy Krishna, the form thou knew'st of old!
- Mighty BRAHMA's form and face
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XIII: Kshetrakshetrajnavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- Not Form, nor the Unformed; yet both, and more;
- Yet dwells He unattached: of forms and modes
- Master, yet neither form nor mode hath He;
- But Spirit doth inform it, and so cause
- In every form, the same, one, Living Life,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XIV: Gunatrayavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- Mothers each mortal form, Brahma conceives,
- Passing beyond the Qualities, conforms
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XV: Purushottamapraptiyog
Matching lines:
- Taketh on form, it draweth to itself
- Nor when he takes his pleasure in the form,
- Unkindled, ill-informed!
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVI: Daivasarasaupadwibhagayog
Matching lines:
- These My blasphemers, in the forms they wear
- And in the forms they breed, my foemen are,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVII: Sraddhatrayavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- Conforms itself to what he truly is.
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVIII: Mokshasanyasayog
Matching lines:
- As worship, penance, alms must be performed!
- Renunciation is of threefold form,
- Whoso performeth diligent, content
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Cover Sheet
Matching lines:
- Under the Form of Krishna
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Notes
Matching lines:
- [Note 20]The compound form of Sanskrit words.
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Preface
Matching lines:
- certainly be incomplete without possessing in popular form a poetical