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The Bhagavad Gita Matches
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Query was: force
Here are the matching lines in their respective documents.
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- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter III: Karma-Yog
Matching lines:
- Yet tell me, Teacher! by what force doth man
- Put forth full force of Soul in thy own soul!
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter IX: Rajavidyarajaguhyayog
Matching lines:
- One Force in every place, though manifold!
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XI: Viswarupadarsanam
Matching lines:
- Gone is heart's force, rebuked is mind's desire!
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XIII: Kshetrakshetrajnavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- The unseen vital force, the nine strange gates
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XV: Purushottamapraptiyog
Matching lines:
- Their living force; I glide into the plant
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVI: Daivasarasaupadwibhagayog
Matching lines:
- To self-hood, force, insolence, feasting, wrath,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVII: Sraddhatrayavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- Force, substance, strength, and health, and joy to live,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVIII: Mokshasanyasayog
Matching lines:
- As necessary. First the force; and then