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The Bhagavad Gita Matches
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- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter I: Arjun-Vishad
Matching lines:
- Drupada, with his sons, (O Lord of Earth!)
- So that the clangour shook their foemen's hearts,
- With quaking earth and thundering heav'n.
- Such kith grown enemies Arjuna's heart
- To seize an earthly kingdom! Killing these
- Kinsfolk and friends for love of earthly power,
- To shaft and spear, than answer blow with blow.
- And let fall bow and arrows, sick at heart.
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter II: Sankhya-Yog
Matching lines:
- With eyes tear-dimmed, despondent, in stern words
- Whose death leaves living drear?
- That I may counsel learn:
- If I were earth's unchallenged chief
- So spake Arjuna to the Lord of Hearts,
- Words lacking wisdom! for the wise in heart
- Which the wise know, and fear not. This that irks
- 'Tis brief and mutable! Bear with it, Prince!
- As the wise bear. The soul which is not moved,
- Learn thou! the Life is, spreading life through all;
- These will I wear to-day!
- How, if thou hearest that the man new-dead
- What is there sorrowful herein, dear Prince?
- Mystical hearing for every one!
- When seeing, and saying, and hearing are done!
- For men of noble blood to bear than death!
- Will deem 'twas fear that drove thee from the fray.
- And victor thou wilt reign an earthly king.
- Thine arm for conflict, nerve thy heart to meet
- Hear now the deeper teaching of the Yog,
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter III: Karma-Yog
Matching lines:
- Yet in his idle heart thinking on them,
- The faithful soul; such earthly duty do
- Fruits of the earth, rendering to kindly Heaven
- Of help for all the living things of earth
- Earnest and watchful those that look to me
- And I should break earth's order and commit
- Not sowing in those simple, busy hearts
- My ordinance thus, the wise and willing hearts,
- It is of wisdom, wearing countless forms,
- Govern thy heart! Constrain th' entangled sense!
- Fight! vanquish foes and doubts, dear Hero! slay
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter IV: Jnana Yog
Matching lines:
- Of all my royal Rishis. Then, with years,
- Thy birth, dear Lord, was in these later days,
- Who knows the truth touching my births on earth
- To earthly birth: to Me he comes, dear Prince!
- Many there be who come! from fear set free,
- From anger, from desire; keeping their hearts
- And, knowing, thou shalt learn which work doth save
- Which quit of fear and hope subduing self
- Whose heart is set on truth of such an one
- Joys of the sense, delights of eye and ear,
- And breathe it forth to waft the heart on high,
- And these are gained by reverence, by strong search,
- And teach it. Knowing Truth, thy heart no more
- Should bear thee safe and dry across the sea
- And those without full faith, and those who fear
- This doubt that binds thy heart-beats! cleave the bond
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter V: Karmasanyasayog
Matching lines:
- Sees with clear eyes! Yet such abstraction, Chief!
- Pure-hearted, lord of senses and of self,
- In seeing, hearing, touching, smelling; when
- With life, with heart, with mind,-nay, with the help
- Splendid and clear shines manifest the Truth
- In such as those! But if a man shall learn,
- Even while he lives and bears his body's chain,
- With sins effaced, with doubts at end, with hearts
- That one with organs, heart, and mind constrained,
- Passion, and fear, and rage; hath, even now,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter VI: Atmasanyamayog
Matching lines:
- Restraining heart and senses, silent, calm,
- Tranquil in spirit, free of fear, intent
- But for earthly needs
- An idle mind; nor his who wears to waste
- Earth-aches and ills, where one is moderate
- To gift of peace assured and heart assuaged,
- Cumberless. But, as often as the heart
- Therein, no rest, because the heart of men
- To hold the wayward wind, as tame man's heart.
- Man's heart is to restrain, and wavering;
- Like the vain cloud, which floats 'twixt earth and heaven
- Fain would I hear thee answer me herein,
- Since, Krishna! none save thou can clear the doubt.
- Nor earth, nor heaven is forfeit, even for him,
- Because no heart that holds one right desire
- Measureless years, and being born anew,
- Is hard to be obtained on this earth, Chief!
- So hath he back again what heights of heart
- To perfectness, with better hope, dear Prince!
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter VII: Vijnanayog
Matching lines:
- Learn now, dear Prince! how, if thy soul be set
- Earth, water, flame, air, ether, life, and mind,
- These be my lower Nature; learn the higher,
- As hangs a row of pearls upon its string.
- Of the moistened earth, I am the fire's red light,
- Yet am I right desire in all who yearn,
- Arjuna! and the man who yearns to know;
- O Prince of India! highest, nearest, best
- Upon The One. Dear, above all, am I
- To him; and he is dearest unto me!
- The true of heart, the faithful stayed on me,
- The heart thus asking favour from its God,
- Worship Me well, with hearts of love and faith,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter VIII: Aksharaparabrahmayog
Matching lines:
- Have Me, then, in thy heart always! and fight!
- Thou too, when heart and mind are fixed on Me,
- Safe in his heart, centres the vital airs
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter IX: Rajavidyarajaguhyayog
Matching lines:
- Now will I open unto thee whose heart
- That farthest secret of My Heavens and Earths,
- With hearts unwandering, knowing Me the Source,
- Who, offering sacrifice of wakened hearts,
- The end of Learning! That which purifies
- Yea! those who learn
- Purge sins, pay sacrifice from Me they earn
- Nay, and of hearts which follow other gods
- Rightfully; so they fall to earth again!
- Fix heart and thought on Me! Adore Me! Bring
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter X: Vibhuti Yog
Matching lines:
- Hear farther yet, thou Long-Armed Lord! these latest words I say
- And birth and death, and fearfulness, and fearlessness, and shame,
- Whate'er befalls, and mirth, and tears, and piety, and thrift,
- Hearts fixed on Me; breaths breathed to Me; praising Me, each to each,
- How shall I learn, Supremest Mystery!
- Clear and complete, Thy great appearances,
- Can mine ears drink the Amrit[Note 18] of such words!
- I am the Spirit seated deep in every creature's heart;
- From whose great milky udder-teats all hearts' desires are strook;
- Of Daityas dread Prahlada; of what metes days and years,
- Time's self I am; of woodland-beasts-buffaloes, deers, and bears
- Which brings to light all beings that are to be on earth;
- The great unbroken silence in learning's secret things;
- The lore of all the learned, the seed of all which springs.
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XI: Viswarupadarsanam
Matching lines:
- This, for my soul's peace, have I heard from Thee,
- If this can be, if I may bear the sight,
- Countless radiant glories wearing,
- Countless heavenly weapons bearing,
- Flooding earth with beams undeemed-of,
- Of earth, and heaven, and hell
- Lighting earth, heaven, and hell
- In sudden-stricken fear;
- Feet planted near and far,
- Gone is heart's force, rebuked is mind's desire!
- Earth, Heaven! Ah me! I see no Earth and Heaven!
- From end to end of earth,
- O Mightiest Lord! rehearse
- Hearing mighty Keshav's word,
- This unknown marvel of Thy Form! But fear
- Dear Lord! for pity's sake
- Thine earthly shape, which earthly eyes may bear!
- This frightened heart is fain
- Which none save thou in all the years had favour to behold;
- That mortal eyes should bear to view the Immortal Soul unclad,
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XII: Bhaktiyog
Matching lines:
- Lord! of the men who serve Thee true in heart
- Shall scarce be trod by man bearing the flesh!
- Clasp Me with heart and mind! so shalt thou dwell
- Thy faint heart fails, bring Me thy failure! find
- Renouncing hope for Me, with lowliest heart,
- Near to renunciation very near
- Seeking Me, heart and soul; vowed unto Me,
- And is not troubled by them; clear of wrath,
- Living too high for gladness, grief, or fear,
- Keeping an equal heart, with equal mind
- Bears shame and glory; with an equal peace
- Quit of desires, hears praise or calumny
- Linked by no ties to earth, steadfast in Me,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XIII: Kshetrakshetrajnavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- Now would I hear, O gracious Kesava![Note 26]
- And how it wotteth-hear these things from Me!
- An ever-tranquil heart in fortunes good
- Beholding, and His ears in every place
- Hearing, and all His faces everywhere
- The Light of Lights He is, in the heart of the Dark
- Planted in every heart.
- Whatever flesh he bears, never again
- Some, never so attaining, hear of light
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XIV: Gunatrayavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- And Ignorance in hearts not good nor quick.
- Whose equal heart holds the same gentleness
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XV: Purushottamapraptiyog
Matching lines:
- Its branches shoot to heaven and sink to earth,[Note 30]
- What blast of tempest tears them, bough and stem
- Blowing above the flower-beds. Ear and Eye,
- Even though they strive, discern not, having hearts
- With mind unclouded, knoweth all, dear Prince!
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVI: Daivasarasaupadwibhagayog
Matching lines:
- Fearlessness, singleness of soul, the will
- Towards all that suffer; a contented heart,
- Fluttered by no desires; a bearing mild,
- Hear from me now of the Unheavenly!
- Such and such wish of heart shall have its fill;
- These My blasphemers, in the forms they wear
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVII: Sraddhatrayavibhagayog
Matching lines:
- Heedless of Shastras, yet keep faith at heart
- Or passion-stained, or dark, as thou shalt hear!
- Hear this of Me! there is a food which brings
- Sayeth, with heart devout, This I should do!
- Kept, with no hope of gain, by hearts devote,
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Chapter XVIII: Mokshasanyasayog
Matching lines:
- The very truth Heart's Lord! of Sannyas,
- Hear now My sentence, Best of Bharatas!
- Unflattered, in his own heart justified,
- Hear from me, Long-armed Lord! the makings five
- By three dividing qualities. Hear now
- There is true Knowledge. Learn thou it is this:
- And there be evil doers; loose of heart,
- Hear, too, of Intellect and Steadfastness
- What should be feared, and what should not be feared,
- Masters his beats of heart, his very breath
- Cleaves to his sloth, his sorrow, and his fears,
- Hear further, Chief of Bharatas! from Me
- For nothing lives on earth, nor 'midst the gods
- Patience, uprightness, learning, and to know
- Lays hold of perfectness! Hear how a man
- His natural duty, Prince! though it bear blame!
- Learn from me, Son of Kunti! also this,
- Devoted with a heart grown pure, restrained
- Sacrifice heart and mind and will to Me!
- There lives a Master in the hearts of men
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Dedication
Matching lines:
- For England; O our India! as dear to me as She!
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Notes
Matching lines:
- [Note 27]This is the nearest possible version of Kshetrakshetrajnayojnanan yat tajnan matan mama.
- Title: Bhagavad Gita: Preface
Matching lines:
- Supreme Deity, wearing the disguise of a charioteer. A great battle is
- being truly beyond praise for its fidelity and clearness. Mr Telang has
- learned and intelligent, but not conveying the dignity or grace of the
- and philosophical work so dear to India.
- which cannot be successfully reproduced for Western ears. I have therefore